[Flutter] How to solve the problem when the build on the actual iPhone fails.
The other day, while developing an app in Flutter, I suddenly encountered the following error when I built the app to check it on my iPhone.
Unable to prepare iPhone for development.
iPhone is busy: Fetching debug symbols for iPhone. Xcode will continue when iPhone is finished.
I wondered why this was happening since I had been able to build without any problems up until then. I wondered why, but it seems to be an error that occurs when the iPhone OS or Xcode is upgraded.
The following are all the things I tried before I solved the problem.
To be honest, I haven’t been able to identify which ones were effective because I tried many things and before I knew it, the problem was solved.
If you’re having the same problem, give it a try! Any of them will solve your problem.
- Run `flutter clean` and `flutter build ios` again
- Wait 5~10 minutes and build again
- Reset the trust between iPhone and Mac PC (Open iPhone -> Settings -> General -> Transfer or Reset iPhone -> Reset -> Reset Location and Privacy), then reconnect and trust again
- Restart Mac PC
- Restart iPhone
- Manually delete an app built in the iPhone once
- Upgrade Xcode
- Upgrade your iPhone’s iOS version.